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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5

U.S. satellite scrap "hit" the Earth

The United States is to hit the Earth out of control satellite is expected to be the afternoon of September 23 fell to the ground the British media reported that the bus While similar in size with the satellite could fall anywhere on Earth, and mankind's only 20 seconds warning time. 
UK <<The Daily Telegraph>> September 22 reported that, at present, NASA (NASA) and U( News Department of Defense experts are tracking Fengyun diameter of 10 meters, total weight about 6 tons of high-level meteorological research satellite, It is the speed of the Earth at 8 km, expected fragments of 800 km in diameter scattered in an area. 
'We know it will hit 57 degrees north latitude and 57 degrees south latitude to the middle of somewhere.' NASA scientist who studies garbage track Mark Martini said: 'Unfortunately, this covers the world's population live in absolute most of the region. 'alleged that the largest piece of debris about 136 kilograms, with a very large fridge.
Reported that, although the NASA spokesman has stressed that the satellite of the formation of human life and property risk is extremely small, but experts calculate that the formation of the debris hit on the person's probability of 1 / 3200 because of its falling fast, the human only 20 seconds of warning.
Currently, the U.S. Strategic Command Joint Space Operations Centre is expected to drop satellite time and place in the public notice to NASA and all federal security staff. NASA has warned people, if you see debris, do not touch, because they very sharp edges. 
Uncertain placement
Largest debris such as refrigerators
Space junk
Has reached the 'critical point'
Radiant space exploration history negative, is a dark history of space junk.
50 years ago, the former Soviet Union the first time in human history, space launch 'Sputnik' satellite, now, is running above the Earth's active-duty commercial, military and civilian satellites total of about 1000, but at the same time, human beings are left in space under a variety of junk, from cans to cigarette butts, grease gun to the spacecraft from debris from the satellite to its waste scattered parts, and now near-earth orbit the Earth, just like a high-tech garbage dump earlier this month, U.S. National Research Commission report that the number of space junk has reached 'critical point', the report said, under the U.S. Strategic Command space surveillance network in 2006 to 9949 orbital debris monitoring in 2011, this figure had risen to 16,094.
Although the majority of space junk will fall to the ground during the burning, but there are always some in the track year-round, 'wandering', making the circle more and more space junk, there is a greater chance of penetrating the spacecraft, astronauts security threats and data relay satellite .
Moreover, despite the retirement Satellite 'hit' the Earth is still rare, falling humans congregate very low probability, but if it continues unchecked, one day, space may become a real garbage dump, space junk 'accident' may be routine, may become reasonable alarmist synonym comprehensive Xinhua News Agency Xinhua 
Earth has a lot of rubbish near-Earth orbit debris
Ultra-rugged high-strength structural materials burn is not bad wrestling is not broken
Plunging to the ground satellite 'Hard' the most terrible
China Academy of Space Technology researcher Hao Pang told Xinhua News Agency reporter an exclusive interview that the satellite hit the Earth's trouble could have been avoided. If the fuel is sufficient, will not easily fall of the satellite guide to a higher orbit, or control it fell South Pacific spacecraft 'Cemetery', there would be no threat to the planet today.
'Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite' is a 1990s United States, 'Mission to Planet Earth program' to enable the first satellite, which aims to use a series of satellites to monitor Earth's environment. 'Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite,' in 2005 failed. After due runs out of fuel, the ground loses its control.
Threat is not the case the satellite hit the Earth European Space Agency announced on 12 September this year, its control of the number of retired observation satellite ERS2 have exhausted their fuel, the current accelerated fall in the future, can also cause problems.
Pang Zhihao said the country should be more scientific planning, so that each spacecraft can be 'obedient' to find a home.
Pang Hao said, the public need not worry too much about the satellite hit the Earth. Out of control satellite from the main threat on the ground in the body of the 'Hard.' Part of the key components of the satellite with high-strength titanium alloy material, and fuel tank design is generally very strong, these components in the satellite fell into the Earth's atmosphere is difficult to totally destroyed, the residual fragments will pound the ground in most cases, these pieces will fall into the ocean or unpopulated wilderness, etc. In addition, the United States and other countries now have the ability to fall to the ground in pieces forecast within a few hours before crash site, so the officers threatened areas time to evacuate or shelter.
Five ways to deal with the satellite hit the ground
A transfer to the retired spacecraft without prejudice to other spacecraft's orbit, such as high orbit far from Earth,
Second, the retired guide spacecraft plunged into the specified area,
Third, smaller spacecraft can be allowed to free fall, burned in the atmosphere,
Fourth, when the spacecraft to fall close to the orbit from the Earth, the use of anti-satellite weapons to blow to pieces. This method is usually used only for classified spacecraft, because if implemented properly, the spacecraft debris flying up , resulting in more space junk,
Fifth, use the space shuttle and other manned spacecraft to capture a large retired spacecraft back to the ground, but the U.S. space shuttle retired, the current method has been impossible to implement.
Currently, researchers are trying to use biodegradable materials spacecraft so that they can easily return to Earth, 'turned into smoke.'

Dubai Journey Part 1

 DUBAI is a city and emirate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
This is my first time to work abroad,.
I applied as a Food Production Team member at Emirates Flight Catering,
the largest food Catering services in the world.
i am expecting a very hard job waiting for me,
im excited and slightly nervous.
at this time im waiting for my flight schedule.
God thank you for giving me this opportunity and i wont waste this chances,
give me more strength and courage to survive and achieve my goals..
Lord God i know this is your plan for me,I trust in you Lord.."AMEN"

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Passenger gives birth on a plane


MANILA, Philippines — A Filipina passenger onboard a Philippine Airlines flight bound for San Francisco, California gave birth to a bouncing baby boy last Tuesday (Manila time), just hours before landing at the Bay Area airport.
PR104 departed Manila for San Francisco last Monday at 10:24 pm.
Some eight hours into flight, Aida Alamillo, a passenger who was assigned to seat 83J, suddenly experienced contractions. This forced her to call on the PAL flight attendants for assistance.
The flight attendants, headed by Francis Lloyd Lobo, checked on Alamillo's condition and learned that she was already 35 weeks into her pregnancy. Lobo informed the pilot-in-command of the aircraft who immediately asked over the Public Address system for assistance from any medical staff.
Three nurses responded to the call and checked on Alamillo's condition and determined that she was already going into labor.
The PAL cabin crew made space for Alamillo to give birth in by asking some passengers seated at the aft section of the plane to move forward.
The cabin crew together with the three nurses then helped Alamillo through her labor by coaching her how to huff and puff properly until the baby was finally delivered. The actual time of birth was recorded at 3:25 pm Pacific Standard Time or 7:25 a.m., Manila time.
Passengers onboard broke into cheers after they heard the baby cry for the first time.
The baby boy was described by Flight Purser Antonia Castañeda in her Flight Incident Report (FIR) as having "good skin color." She wrote that "the baby started to breast feed", and gave a "loud cry" upon getting out of his mother's womb.
September 21, 2011, 1:44pm

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mayweather Vs Ortiz

Floyd Mayweather Jr is again at the center of a controversy after the bizarre ending of his fight with Victor Ortiz. Don’t complain or whine that Floyd Mayweather Jr. used unsportsmanlike tactics in his win over Victor Ortiz. The fact that there is a huge segment of the boxing world angry with Floyd Mayweather Jr. at the manner in which he ended the fight with Ortiz means little to him. Rather than attempt to avoid controversy,Floyd Mayweather Jr. runs to it. he craves it.
Floyd Mayweather Jr has spent years cultivating his bad boy image. Why would anyone expect him to do anything different than what he did on Saturday in dispatching Ortiz? While many are upset with “Money” in the aftermath of his bout with Ortiz, he did nothing that was outside the rules.
It was thought by some after his exciting win over Andre Berto in April that Victor had arrived and was ready to take on a Floyd Mayweather Jr. or a Pacquiao. Obviously Ortiz was nowhere near ready for Floyd Mayweather Jr. Floyd was his usual slick self, controlling the tempo of the fight and easily keeping “Vicious” at bay. In essence it was like Floyd had never been gone for sixteen months..
Unable to cope, Ortiz became frustrated and reverted to form. Near the end of the 4th round, he bulled Floyd into the ropes and came in head first with a head butt cutting Floyd Mayweather Jr’s lip. Referee Joe Cortez immediately deducted a point from Ortiz, after which Victor Ortiz began a series of apologizes. Victor Ortiz went so far as to plant a kiss on Floyd Mayweather Jr’s cheek. In a matter of seconds, Floyd would demonstrate in a savage way that he was not buying the apologies. Planting a kiss on Floyd Mayweather Jr’s cheek was not the most intelligent thing for Ortiz to do either.
In short Victor Ortiz forgot who he was fighting. Cortez had signaled for the fight to continue. Cortez is a well respected referee and has been involved in numerous championship fights. Victor Ortiz seemingly oblivious to what was happening chose to act foolishly and left himself unprotected.
By his actions Ortiz demonstrated that he still needs to mature significantly as a fighter.
Only time will tell if he will ever be one of the premiere fighters in boxing.

Largest Crocodile

The large crocodile weighs around 2,370 pounds or 1,075 kilograms. The mayor added that the park for species in Agusan(an impoverished region about 515 miles southeast of Manila) would certainly be a great tourist attraction with the giant crocodile the center of attraction, as it has become the biggest captive crocodile in the world.
At first the villagers and members of the crocodile farm staff set four traps, which the giant crocodile destroyed. Then they went ahead using sturdier traps with steel cables, one of which finally caught the giant crocodile.
Elorde told, “We were quite shaken, but it is our responsibility to engage with this threat which was causing to the villagers. When I saw finally in front of my eyes, I couldn’t believe myself.”
Around 100 people had to make efforts to pull this powerful crocodile from the bay to a clearing where a crane was called to lift it into a truck. Despite the captivation, the villagers are cautious because there are many crocodiles who still roam in the outskirts of the town of about 37,000 people.

Protest Planking

the local youth scene.
Activists of an earlier time, however, may see planking as just a renaming of the so-called die-ins, wherein protesters also hit the ground, pretending to be corpses.
The LFS plankers occupied two lanes of the boulevard, timing their first move with the traffic light turning red at around 8 a.m.
They repeated this each time the stop sign went on, while other LFS members and allies from another youth group, Anakbayan, distributed leaflets to passing motorists.
Superintendent Jemar Modequillo, commander of Manila Police District’s Sampaloc Station 4, said his men initially allowed the group to proceed with their peaceful activity.
But later, Modequillo said, “we had to discourage them because they were causing heavy traffic already. Even if they were lying on the pavement while the traffic light was red, they were still obstructing traffic. They occupied almost half of España.”
A Malacañang official sounded more amused than impressed when told of LFS’s novel activity.